Improving hygiene and sanitation in
Matany villages (Karamoja, Uganda)
Local partner: Matany Hospital
January 2021 - December 2022
Direct beneficiaries: the 24,000 residents of Matany Sub-County
Indirect beneficiaries: the 52,000 patients of the Napak District served by the Matany Hospital
Why Uganda?
Because Uganda is among the poorest countries in the world (159th out of 189 in the Human Development Index). Its population will double by 2040.
Why the Karamoja region/Napak District?
Because Karamoja is the least developed region with a poverty rate of 60%.
86% of women in the Napak District are illiterate.
Why a hygiene and sanitation project?
Because communicable diseases are the main cause of death in Uganda.
83% of the population of Matany does not have access to toilets.
To prevent the spread of communicable diseases, hygiene and sanitation are essential.
Our strategy :
1) Provide access to hygiene and sanitation through: the construction of pit latrines; the extension of primary health care services to hard-to-reach areas; the production and distribution of sanitary towels to young girls.
2) Awareness-raising actions for local communities through meetings in all villages of Matany (24,000 inhabitants).
3) Training of local health personnel :
120 village health teams;
medical, para-medical and technical staff of Matany Hospital
This project is supported by :
MAEE, Fondation NIF, Ville de Luxembourg, Rotary Club Esch-sur-Alzette, Käl-Téiteng a.s.b.l., ICMSA, Clearstream Charity Committee.
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 6, target 6.2: "By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations".
To read more, here is the final evaluation of the project: